Unpublished Papers

NEW Approaches to Employment and Training for Blind and partially sighted People in the United Kingdom

Supported Employment For Blind and Partially Sighted People

Mainstreaming and Special Provision. Complementary Approaches to the Employment of Blind and Partially Sighted People

Sheltered employment in France

Re-Designing the Shelter: Remploy and the Future of Supported Employment for People with Sight Loss

Unpublished papers as Word documents

NEW Approaches to Employment and Training for Blind and partially sighted People in the United Kingdom (word doc)

Supported Employment For Blind and Partially Sighted People (word doc)

Mainstreaming and Special Provision. Complementary Approaches to the Employment of Blind and Partially Sighted People (word doc)

Sheltered employment in France (word doc)

Re-Designing the Shelter: Remploy and the Future of Supported Employment for People with Sight Loss (word doc)


Public Lecture, 2007

Lectures as Word documents

Public Lecture, 2007